wow that was extremely funny. hahahah! 0/5
wow that was extremely funny. hahahah! 0/5
I can call you a bitch all I want on newgrounds
Smashing Cartoon ya crazy bastard! 👍(• ◡•)
Thanks m8!
Heccin' hecc yeah! lol Grade A storytelling man!
He's soo old, that during the war he probably defeated 2,000!
hahah thanks m8 EP03 is on its way!
Edit: I felt like the overall pacing was Way too fast soo it ruined the general experience for me
but there were some things i liked about it.
Quagmire saying "Giggity" to Stewie. lol
Joe voice impression
Quagmire was pretty funny.
Lois' super long body was hilarious.
Peter singing at the end was really nice.
two and a half stars????????????????????????????????
Edit: The art kind of hurt my eyes to look at, but...
The whole cartoon was actually... not bad.
The story's good.
I'm hoping for another episode in the future! thanks! (• ◡•)
Wow honestly this means the world to read. Im currently working on 2 more episodes :)
Amy Schumer, lmao!
Ocasionally the art reminds me of Regular Show.
thats what its inspired by :))
The last turkey was hilarious! 😄
Thank you, I wanted to make him the main character for future episodes and I only had 3 days to make this.
Well now i have this desire to see your OG DnD adventures animated.
Hm? This is just a collection of the three I made
That ending XD
u beauty
Gender: Mail Man
Sex: i wish
Joined on 4/6/18